Interview prep

I’ve spoken to a number of lawyers recently interviewing for a new role without the support of a legal recruiter, because they were approached directly by the business hiring. I thought it might be helpful therefore to share the advice below. 

Before any interview, I always advise candidates to self-reflect and ask:
“Is there anything about my experience to date that means I might I not get this job?” and then I encourage candidates to ensure that in their interview they find a way to get in front of any potential question marks there might be over their CV and in doing so get the interviewer comfortable they are still the right person for the job. 

Perhaps you are currently interviewing and one or more of the following scenarios below apply to you: 
👉 You are interviewing for a General Counsel or Head of Legal role and you didn’t get the GC or Head of Legal role in your current company, it went to someone else
👉 You don’t currently report into a CEO or CFO and this new opportunity does
👉 You haven’t managed a team before or you haven’t managed a large team and this new opportunity involves managing one
👉 You left a job without one to go to
👉 You’re on the same salary or are earning more than this new job opportunity is offering
👉 You don’t have the exact skill-set or sector experience the potential new employer is looking for 
👉 Your current title is more senior or less senior than the title of the role you’re going for
👉 You are a senior private practice lawyer interviewing in-house and have no secondment experience
👉 You changed sectors and you’re now looking to move back into the sector you moved out of

If you are currently a lawyer in a direct recruitment process and would like some help with your interview prep, I’m very happy to assist. Contact me at


How to decide what job offer to accept