How to decide what job offer to accept

Should I stay or should I go….and if I go, which job offer should I accept??

This is a question that comes up quite a bit with lawyers I work with.

And my advice is always to…
Take a step back and really think about where you ultimately want to be in your legal career and ask yourself the question…how is this next move going to help me get there?

So…you might be a lawyer who really wants to:
➡ Move into a FTSE but lacks FTSE experience
➡ Be a General Counsel/Head of Legal
➡ Change sectors
➡ Diversify into a commercial lawyer
➡ Build and manage a team

All of these things are possible BUT…
❇ it may take more than one move to get to where you ultimately want to be in your legal career AND
❇  in the short to medium term something might need to give along the way…so you might need  to accept a similar salary or even take a drop in salary; make a lateral move; work in a sector that isn’t your dream sector
BUT it will be worth it in the long run IF that move is going to help you get to where you want to be.

Do reach out if you’d like advice on your next career move:


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